






“因为时间和世界都不会静止. Change is the law of life 和 those who look only to the past 和 the present are certain to miss the future.”

约翰F. 肯尼迪


During academic school year 2018-2019 the 缅因州科学与数学学院 undertook a deliberate strategic planning process with an objective of identifying opportunities 和 managing risk in the years ahead. 这项努力的范围很广, but much of the thinking 和 effort devolved itself down to two groups with overall coordination achieved through the school administration.

Group One consisted of the 皇冠足彩 faculty 和 staff 和 Group Two, known as the Strategic Planning Steering Committee (SPSC), consisted of 皇冠足彩 Trustees David Ferguson, David Coit, Jerome Pieh, 和 Catherine deLutio, current parent Sharon Frost, 石灰石 town representative 凯蒂·比尤利, 皇冠足彩基金会主席Clark Copelin, 皇冠足彩教职员工丹尼尔·梅莱加, 马特里, 大卫·皮尔森, 皇冠足彩学生Charlotte McCulloh, 以及缅因州奥罗诺大学前校长苏珊·亨特.

Both groups considered 缅因州’s educational l和scape 和 皇冠足彩’s place within it - the environment; examined constraints 和 areas of necessary change while recognizing key school features that should be sustained; 和 developed objectives to be achieved by prioritized lines of effort in order to address the following question:

在未来五年内, 皇冠足彩如何改变其学术课程, 住宿生活体验, 还有运动项目, 修复其基础设施, 和 吸引和留住高素质的教师和员工,同时保持真正的价值观, 愿景, 以及在预算限制内的使命和行动-吸引和留住一个 increased number of quality students 和 willing donors necessary to generate the funds required to ensure 皇冠足彩 solvency 和 fund critical improvements?


The result of these deliberations is the 2019 皇冠足彩战略计划 that is organized around three key areas: (1) strengthening 皇冠足彩’s on-campus program; (2) exp和ing 皇冠足彩’s impact across 缅因州; 和 (3) enhancing 皇冠足彩’s facilities 和 faculty / staff.

通过赞同这三项倡议, the 皇冠足彩 校董会 has set a confident course for the future 和 brought increased discipline 和 clarity to 皇冠足彩’s planning 和 priority setting efforts. 重要的是, while investing in new programs 和 capital projects are expensive propositions that will require flexible 和 diplomatic process management sufficient to mitigate risk, we now have an outlined path forward that will ensure that the next twenty-five years are even better than the first.

  1. 加强校园项目
    1. Reduce room 和 board fee to remove finances as a hurdle for enrollment of 皇冠足彩 appropriate students.
    2. Improve the residential life program, including student 和 residential instructor housing.
    3. Create 和 implement a daily / yearly schedule that allows flexible graduation requirements, 专注于解决现实生活中的问题, 双招生大学学分, 以及长期的学生研究机会.
    4. 扩展工程和计算机科学课程.
    5. 量化皇冠足彩经验,通过专业的教师和工作人员的评估, 以及项目的外部认证
  2. 扩大在缅因州的影响
    1. Create 和 run an annual summer 缅因州 Educator Camp with a focus on STEM teaching 和 learning.
    2. 将现有的皇冠足彩暑期中学STEM营增加到600名学生.
    3. Develop 和 deliver 皇冠足彩 outreach STEM learning modules with a focus on supporting rural middle schools throughout 缅因州.
  3. 改善设施和教职员工
    1. 创建一个皇冠足彩校园总体规划.
    2. 拥有和控制所有皇冠足彩的必要设施.
    3. Create 和 staff an advancement position to work with the 皇冠足彩 基金会 和 establish national / state-wide partnerships 和 raise funds in support of school operations.
    4. Grow the 皇冠足彩 student body to 200 through a comprehensive marketing 和 admissions plan.
    5. Develop flexible 和 technology enabled teaching 和 office spaces to facilitate creative 和 collaborative study 和 work.
    6. 确保有足够的教师宿舍,以配合学校计划的发展.


因果假设——本质上, “if” / “then” propositions - that link environmental underst和ing with potential actions that influence outcomes were used to determine realistic ordering of the strategic plan objectives. 由此产生的排序列于附件A. 很明显, 可以立即采取一些行动, 例如引入适当的教职员工支持和评估协议, 计划一个皇冠足彩暑期教育者夏令营, working through the existing Program Team to consider multiple pathways toward graduation. 实现其他目标的进展更多地取决于其他因素, 内部和外部, 和 will evolve in the years ahead based upon continuing networking 和 dialogue with a variety of constituencies 和 agencies. 例如, the objective of reducing the existing room 和 board fees commensurate with other state magnet schools will be dependent on a willingness of the 缅因州 legislature to assume responsibility for the difference, 如果成功了, 这也导致了学生申请人数的增加, triggers a follow-on conversation about the necessary infrastructure to support a growing 皇冠足彩 student population. If, 结果是, 决定进行重大的资本投资, then a campus master plan is necessary - the construction of which would undoubtedly lead to follow-on conversations around the ideal location of 皇冠足彩 in order to best serve the whole state of 缅因州. Such is the interconnected, 和 in some cases politically tied, nature of 皇冠足彩’s future objectives.


我们相信,最近的美国.S. 新闻和世界报道排名的皇冠足彩在全国排名第二的学校, 凸显了这所学校对缅因州的重要性. The three strategic plan objectives are designed to build upon the existing legacy of success 和 address key current challenges that have resulted from the somewhat haphazard way in which the school has evolved in past years consequent upon the closure of Loring AFB, 拥有一个小型的男女混合宿舍, 以及与另一所学校租用和共享一幢教学楼, which coincidentally serves as l和lord while 皇冠足彩 historically pays the bulk of the academic building operating costs. 这些无疑是我们前进过程中的挑战, 不作为的危险, 或者把目标定得太低, 更伟大,更不配成为缅因州第一的学校. 这是皇冠足彩的时代, 还有你的帮助, it is going to be an exciting 和 purposeful journey forward that will strengthen our institutional culture 和 program, 显著改善我们的学生体验, 并使我们在缅因州及其他地区的卓越声誉不受影响.


A. 皇冠足彩战略计划目标排序.

P: 207-325-3605 c: 207-551-9914 f: 207-325-3340
